After careful consideration, and months of planning, I have decided that I will be giving away my penis, or to put it better, I will be giving away parts of my penis. Comment down below for any questions you have.


 Q: Why are you doing this?

A: After a moment of realization Ive come to the conclusion that my penis is enormous, I mean GIGANTIC, like a full 16 inch MONSTER, and I decided that this BROBDINGNAGIAN size of a penis is to selfish for me to keep all to myself.

 Q: So are you just going to give away your entire penis? How is this going to work?

A: No, I am not going to give away my \*entire\* penis to someone, instead I’m going to give 2 inches of my penis to those in need, I myself will be left with 2 inches, knowing that I improved some lives today

 Q: How will you choose who will get a part of your penis?

A: I will be randomly picking people from this comment section who will get my penis, in order to participate, comment your penis size, and those with 4 or less inches will get a chance to receive 2 extra inches