I don’t think “rights” exist objectively. They are a made up human construct. What I think exists, is empathy for other people, and the general idea that most people want to be able to live life in a way where people can be as happy and free as they want to be, without infringing on the happiness or freedom of others. Part of this concept involves sustaining goods and services that benefit society as a whole, that cost money, thus taxes going toward these things that the population generally benefits from, such as road maintenance, and police and fire departments, and a court system, and welfare for people in poverty, and healthcare for absolutely everyone so we don’t have people dying of treatable ailments just because they don’t have enough money to keep living. I don’t understand why people would argue against healthcare for everyone. Do you want people to die like that? What is bad about taxes paying for healthcare, like they do for countless other things we benefit from? Why would you be against taxes paying for healthcare, but be in favor of taxes paying for road maintenance, or police and fire departments, or our court system? Why not privatize those things, too? Imagine somebody not having enough money to call a privatized police force to come save them from somebody who is breaking into their house, or who can’t afford to call a privatized fire department to extinguish the flames that are burning their house down. How would privatized courts even work? Some things only make sense if they are equally available to everybody, and yes, taxes will be necessary to sustain them because they cost money. I don’t know why they think healthcare shouldn’t be one of these things.

source: https://np.reddit.com/r/forwardsfromgrandma/comments/4543v1/checkmate_socialists/czv16cn