I am kind of serious player and I’d like to have some fearsome guild crest. Something like when someone see our logo he should say… ,,OMG this is that guild with hardcore strong players. I rather do not bother them.” The guild name should sound strong, fearsome and powerful like “Titans”, “Worshipers of Darkness”, “Bloody Punishers”, “Legion of Damned”, “Underworld division”, “Blackfire Assassins” and so on… with strong, powerful logo like: “black/red lightning surrounded by dark/blue moon” or “dual scythes (one scythe with drop of red blood of our enemies and second scythe with drop of blue tiers of they’re childrens and wifes) and so on… you know… I just wrote my opinion… the point is when I meet someone I would like to force his mind to think about me as someone who is definitely not his friend. If you know what I mean. And I should add guild req. like tests, pvp trial test and so on… If you wanna elite guild, you cant affort invite unexperienced plebs or “just for fun guys”. You can feel free to call me weird or evil or whatever you want, in the end I am not in your guild so I have no rights talk into it.